Source code for Visual

import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]class Visual: """ Static class that only helps in visualising graph information. """ @staticmethod def _draw(nx_graph): # Create a dict with fixed positions. fixed_positions = {} # Extracts the positions and stores them in the dict for node in nx_graph.nodes(data=True): # type: tuple if 'x' in node[1] and 'y' in node[1]: fixed_positions[node[0]] = (node[1].get('x'), node[1].get('y')) # Get the indexes of the fixed positions fixed_nodes = fixed_positions.keys() # Do some magic pos = nx.spring_layout(nx_graph, pos=fixed_positions, fixed=fixed_nodes) # Draw the graph nx.draw_networkx(nx_graph, pos)
[docs] @staticmethod def draw(nx_graph): """ Takes a networkx graph and prints the nodes with given edges in the fixed positions. :param nx_graph: The networkx object to show the graph from. :type nx_graph: networkx.Graph """ Visual._draw(nx_graph)
[docs] @staticmethod def save(nx_graph, filename): """ Takes a networkx graph and save graph with given edges in the fixed positions to a PNG-image. :param nx_graph: The networkx object to show the graph from. :type nx_graph: networkx.Graph """ Visual._draw(nx_graph) plt.savefig(filename, format='png')