Source code for Solver

import networkx
    from Creator import Creator
except ImportError:
    from .Creator import Creator

[docs]class Solver: """ Class to add edges to given networkx grahps taken from simple Graph Theory, such as path, cycle and complete graph. """
[docs] @staticmethod def path(nxg: networkx.Graph) -> networkx.Graph: """ Adds edges to a given graph as a path, such as the following: (0, 1), (1, 2), ... (n-1, n) :rtype: networkx.Graph :param nxg: A graph with nodes containing coordinates. :return: A graph with connected nodes such as they form a path. """ nodes = list(nxg.nodes()) for edge in zip(nodes[:-1], nodes[1:]): x, y = edge Creator.add_weighted_edge(nxg, x, y) return nxg
[docs] @staticmethod def cycle(nxg: networkx.Graph) -> networkx.Graph: """ Adds edges to a given graph as a path, such as the following: (0, 1), (1, 2), ... (n-1, n), (n, 0) :rtype: networkx.Graph :param nxg: A graph with nodes containing coordinates. :return: A graph with connected nodes such as they form a cycle. """ # Initially get the path of the graph nxg = Solver.path(nxg) # Get the start and destination node of the path nodes = nxg.nodes() start = min(nodes) destination = max(nodes) # Add the final edge for a cycle Creator.add_weighted_edge(nxg, start, destination) return nxg
[docs] @staticmethod def complete(nxg: networkx.Graph) -> networkx.Graph: """ Makes a graph a complete graph, such as all nodes are connected to each other with one edge. :rtype: networkx.Graph :param nxg: A graph with nodes containing coordinates. :return: A complete graph. """ # Get the list of nodes. nodes = list(nxg.nodes()) # Iterate over the nodes as origin for origin_id, origin_node in enumerate(nodes): # Iterate over the nodes as destination for dest_id, dest_node in enumerate(nodes): # Discard the nodes that are lower or equal than the origin id if dest_id <= origin_id: continue # Add an edge between the nodes. Creator.add_weighted_edge(nxg, origin_node, dest_node) return nxg